KINDRA has achieved a major project milestone
KINDRA has achieved a major project milestone: a European-wide knowledge baseline on groundwater research (WP2) has been established.
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But we are proud to say that Adrienn Csekő contributed 30 entries already.
KINDRA has achieved a major project milestone: a European-wide knowledge baseline on groundwater research (WP2) has been established.
The Spanish Association of Professional Geoscientists (Colegio Oficial de Geólogos de Madrid, Raquel Meller 7, Madrid) will host the next KINDRA national workshop at 19:00, 15 September 2016. The detailed programme and more information in Spanish is available here.
The next national event, in the series of workshops held by the participating EFG Linked Third Party members, will be organised this Thursday, 26 of August in Sarospatak, Hungary. The workshop will be part of the conference “A MAGYARHONI FÖLDTANI TÁRSULAT FÖLDTUDOMÁNYI VÁNDORGYŰLÉSE ÉS KIÁLLÍTÁSA, Természeti erőforrásaink az Észak-Magyarországi térségben”. More information in Hungarian.
The next KINDRA national workshop will be organised next Tuesday, 28 of June by the Serbian Geological Society, Hydrogeology Division jointly with the Department of hydrogeology of the Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade.
As part of the programme of the upcoming consortium meeting to be held in Copenhagen 21-23 of June, project partners will introduce and discuss latest results with the members of the Joint Panel of Experts (JPE).
The first KINDRA National Workshop will be organised as part of 14th International Conference of the Geological Society of Greece and the Association of Greek Geologist at Thessaloniki 26th of May from 18:00 – 20:30.
With the participation of experts from 20 European countries, representing EFG’s Linked Third Parties (National Associations), an orientation workshop was organised in Sevilla in February 2016. The aim of the workshop was to explain the project goals in great detail to the experts who will participate in data collection on groundwater research at a national […]
KINDRA’s recommendation for the harmonised terminology and methodology for groundwater research classification (HRC-SYS – D1.2) and the synopsis of the end-user survey (D4.7) are available for download under RESEARCH/RESULTS menu.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642047