Water projects in Horizon 2020, Rome, Thursday 17 September 2015.

During the workshop hosted by “AQUA2015” – 42nd IAH Congress (Rome, 13-18 September, 2015), “water” projects granted by the European Commission during 2014 under the European Horizon 2020 Research Programme will be illustrated, by their coordinators and partners.

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ICT4Water Open Day – Your reference event of ICT applied to water!

The ICT4Water cluster invites you to participate, held in Barcelona on the 22th of September, in the most important event for technology transfer and networking concerning to the application of new technologies in the water sector.

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ICT4WATER cluster is now on youtube!

You may watch the promotional video at ICT4WATER Youtube.

KINDRA is presented in the latest journal of the European Federation of Geologists

The current edition (Nr. 39) was published in May 2015. You may read the article on KINDRA by clicking on the pdf below. Should you wish to read the whole journal visit EFG’s website.

KINDRA article in EGJ Nr. 39

European Geologist

IAH’s Newsletter of May 2015 is available for download

The most recent edition (May 2015) of IAH’s newsletter, among other appealing content, introduces KINDRA (on page 15). The article and the complete document are available for download (as a pdf) as follows:


IAH’s Newsletter – May 2015

Final report on EASME Kick-off and Networking meeting is available for download

The meeting report of the Kick-off and Network Meeting on “Harnessing EU water research and innovation” (held in Brussels, 26/02/2015) is available for download by clicking on the following:

Final report in pdf

Enjoy reading!

The 1st KINDRA brochure is now available for download!

Under DOWNLOADS menu you may find our first project brochure for download (English version in pdf format). Other translated versions are yet to come!

KINDRA is presented at the next General Assembly of EGU in Vienna

Project coordinator Marco Petitta will present KINDRA this Thursday, 16th of April, in Vienna during the afternoon session on “Groundwater resources in a changing environment” of the upcoming General Assembly of European Geosciences Union.

Presentation for download is available here.

KINDRA is presented at the next EASME meeting – Harnessing EU water research and innovation.

This Kick-off & Networking meeting is organised by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. KINDRA will be presented together with another four recently launched H2020 One Stage Water 4a Projects. The aim of this event is to share knowledge and facilitate networking on projects regarding water research and innovation results for industry, agriculture, policy makers and citizens, to exploit possible synergies for clustering projects activities as well as to provide policy input from relevant EC services.

Kick-off and Networking EU Water R&I 26th February 2015 – Draft Agenda

Presentations for download is available here.